Driven by curiosity, fear, or money (20XX → 2024)

Dear Emilie,

I really want to work with you and Jennifer.

I’ve worked with Jennifer a few times (I’m a fan) and I love the idea of doing something bigger and bolder together.

But for you, I’m new. So, firstly, hi.

You need the people you work with to be good. Interesting, creative, sometimes quirky, mostly responsible, and nice.

Life’s too short not to work with nice people who are good.

So, here are a few things I’ve done that might help see the range of problems I like to solve. The world is interesting; I’m trying to make it a little bit more interesting. And I’d love to do that with Tiffany & Co.

I made a website for Jaeger-LeCoultre that was live for exactly one second. And didn’t regret a moment.

I was a professional volleyball coach in Paris. An oddly paternal experience.

I made a trivia game for things that had yet to happen. Making it quite hard to win.

I made a bot that names colours. WARC, eat your heart out.

I’ve never entered an awards show. But I’ve judged a few.

I’m the Creative Director at the best communication school in the world. But we’re too Swedish to make a big deal out of it.

I’m currently designing Cannes Lions‘ most significant education programme ever. Cheers to creativity through rosé-coloured glasses.

I love ideas more than people. And I really love people (I just really, really love ideas).

If you want to do boring work, you should work in a bank, not marketing. Although accountants are very creative.

I made a breast cancer awareness campaign in the Middle East. I have the funny emails from government censors to prove it.

I’ve run nine marathons. And lost every single one of them.

An Apple Watch app that turns sex into exercise is the most popular page on my website. Surprising nobody.

I said what we were all thinking about AI in a letter to The Economist. I even used AI to write it.

I won the only hackathon I entered. And recorded the voice-over in the toilet.

I helped launch an audio-only social media network. And invented social Stockholm syndrome to do it.

My girlfriend is a jewellery designer. Yet I’m the one who would love a chance to work with Tiffany & Co.

Tack, Adam