Driven by curiosity, fear, or money (20XX → 2024)

Levi’s: A Cut Above

How of you show just how amazing the fit of Levi’s new 509 & 538 jeans are?

You do it by showing them looking great in all the places that matters. From house parties to music festivals. And then you’re kind of done. This campaign ran in Australia and New Zealand using print and out-of-home.

An outdoor advertising poster for Levi's 538 with a music festival theme
An outdoor advertising poster for Levi's 538 with a house party theme
An outdoor advertising poster for Levi's 538 with a music festival theme
An outdoor advertising poster for Levi's 538 with a music festival theme

I worked on this campaign at The Furnace in Melbourne, Australia. Royce Akers was the copywriter and Jess Harold was Creative Director. I learned a lot about how photo shoots work on this project.

//A ✂️

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