Driven by curiosity, fear, or money (20XX → 2024)


  • Test Bosch

    How do you reduce food waste, kickstart a smarthome ecosystem, and win a hackathon? With Sustain – the entry we made that won the hackathon. It’s a system that makes it easy to make meals with the food that’s already sitting in your refrigerator. OK, I’m getting ahead of myself. So, here’s what really happened.…

  • Test of a new template

    Duis eget orci mattis, ultrices neque a, sodales turpis purus ac justo volutpat auctor et et velit? Donec sollicitudin neque vitae eros posuere bibendum. Fusce sollicitudin fermentum lectus lobortis ultrices. Praesent ultricies velit a est sagittis, fermentum sodales augue congue. Aliquam massa ante, pharetra eu lobortis sodales, commodo vitae nulla. Maecenas ullamcorper porta egestas. ClientUt…